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Sunday, April 8, 2012

well this is awkward...

Sooo...ya I haven't been sticking to my diet and have actually gained some weight...which stinks and is awkward since I haven't posted in so long. I got back to school I was really homesick and stressed and I tried to get over it by eating woohoo. That didn't work. So now that I've seen my family a couple of time and am officially embarrassed by how I look, I am going to change my ways. I know the mindset I have to have to overcome this and get back on track, its just a matter of keeping it. So here is the new goal. I am going to try and eat healthy for these last 4 weeks of school and in Sweden (p.s. I'm leading a missions trip to Sweden for 4 weeks). In Sweden it will be super easy to eat healthy since they are feeding us and I will be eating with a lot of people, not just myself. So here I go again. And this time I would like to share some Scripture that is going to be rock throughout this, 1 Corinthians 9:27, "But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway."

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

here come the hurdles.

Hola mates! So I'm back at school which is absolutely HORRID! I want to be back home, but its all good. I am now on a schedule which is good for me so that is helpful. I have been eating GREAT since I've been here, but still I want to just give up and eat whatever I want...but then...I remember why I'm doing this and what I want to look like in the end and I can do this! No one is going to stop me, not even my emotions. I am a very big emotional eater so when I am sad I will often cave and eat whatever I want and binge away...but NO MORE! I am looking to my Heavenly Father for help at those times. Which speaking of Him, we are doing great! (hehe that sounds funny) But seriously. I have been in the Word everyday and really am going to read the whole Bible in a year! Who says I can't?!?! I can do anything with my head set on right and my Heavenly Father by my side! :) Ta ta for now!

Monday, January 2, 2012

happy new year!

Happy new year everyone! So yesterday I decided that not only am I going to lose weight this year, but I am also going to read the entire Bible, which I am so excited about! I am doing a plan based on youversion.com and its so nice I just love it. But anywho yesterday I also ate pretty good. I had a small breakfast big and late lunch so I just had a clementine for dinner because I wasn't even hungry. Today though I also had a big lunch, but thats ok because I'll just have a small dinner. I hope this keeps up, every time I go to eat the leftover Christmas desserts haunt me lol. I have a huge HUGE sweet tooth, its so bad! But thats ok because I can still satisfy my sweet tooth just with smaller portions. Well thats all I really have right now. Oh I did do my reading both yesterday and today so thats good. Once I complete two weeks I will be happy, thats a big hurdle. Ok well I'm off, but I will check  back in tomorrow or sometime later on this week. :)

Saturday, December 31, 2011

And so the journey begins...

If you are reading this blog right now I am very honored. I'm not expecting anyone to read it really, it was just an idea that I had and decided to act on it. So if you are reading this, thank you. I am an 18 year old girl who has basically tired everything to lose weight. If you saw me at a store or caught a glimpse of me you wouldn't think that I was over weight, but according to my BMI and my doctors and myself, I am. I weigh about 168 lbs and its not fun. I used to weigh 160 and then freshman year of college rolled around. I didn't necessarily gain all 8 lbs my freshman year, but before too, I kind of let myself go. But that is not the point, the point is that I am going to try something new to lose weight. I have really tried everything. I can diet, but it always ends in failure after about 2 weeks. I used to go to a gym and then I lost motivation. I did the thing where I would eat and then go for a 2 mile run, you know, thinking that I would burn it all off. Shoot I have tried not eating at all and praise the Lord because He knew how stupid I was being and watched over me so I didn't hurt myself. That story will come later on in the blog though. But now I want to try something new. I could journal, but sometimes writing everything down feels like a job so I decided to blog. Yep, and whoever is following this is welcome to join me on my journey. See I figured if I wrote about it to share with the world, even though the world will not be reading this, I will at least feel like the world is keeping me accountable. My goal is to reach 140 lbs by the next year! I know its crazy, but I really feel that I can do it. My doctor told me that I should be at 140 so that is why its my goal. This blog is basically just going to me sharing how my days have been going and if I have been eating right and exercising. It may be boring, I'm sorry, but if you want to join me, you are more than welcome. Now the reason, besides just wanting to be skinnier and more toned, to this plan is not just for me, but for the Lord. The Bible says that are bodies are temples for the Holy Spirit, but my temple right now is looking pretty ghetto so I have decided to give it a makeover! The Bible also says in Isaiah 62: 5, the verse on the left, that we are the Lord's bride and that He gets excited for us just as a groom gets excited when he sees his bride. That is one of my favorite verses because every girl wants someone to be excited over her, but right now I wouldn't be excited to see me at the end of the isle, but I want be though. So here we go...the beginning of the new year. This morning I ate horribly, but its all good. Starting tonight I am accountable to you my follower and the world...I'm just going to assume that they care :). Well here's to becoming a beautiful bride for the only man that I need and that would be the one true King, our God and Father!